
洗浴及美容化妝品化妝化妝品/刷-Sow Good, 小鬍子剪刀&梳子2件套

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We believe it's true that you reap what you sow. So we've made the choice to sow good. Good for you and good for the world we share. Our high quality tools help you look and feel your best. Please join us in our mission to sow good. We love what we do and we hope that you will be as passionate about our products as we are!

If you like to keep your facial hair trimmed but don't want to use battery powered or electric trimmers, th髮旺旺is set will be great for you. The scissors are 3.5" long and perfectly sized for precision and control. You can also use the scissors to trim other hair, including eyebrows.

Sow Good, 小鬍子剪刀&梳子2件套





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